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Questions for HCQ skeptics

1: For an acute disease like covid, when ought antivirals be given for best effect? 2: Is there a window of time where antivirals act as a parachute for an acute viral disease? Has any study looked at this window of time? 3: What is the point of antivirals? Is it to prevent progression to…

“Died Suddenly”–the lowdown on clots

There is a narrative being promoted that the clotted material is postmortem. This is hogwash. Simple gaslighting. Even being done by some pathologists. I watched the film with a vascular surgeon. The whitish, fibrous clots are the chronic-appearing part of thrombi, while the reddish, jelly part is fresh, per the VS. Furthermore, thrombi are attached…

Weird CDC statistics

Julie Powell, who wrote “Julie and Julia,” died at age 49 and the vaccine defenders say that this is normal. Sure. People normally live to be only 49 and die of cardiac arrest. Very common. At least since 2021. 200,000 more US working age deaths in 2021 than in 2019 (you’ll have to do the…

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